I love watching the sunset. Most of y'all are more than aware of that! I am somewhat obnoxious with pictures on social media,,, oops!
The other night I was watching the sunset and this pack of mosquitoes just came and swarmed me. They just started circling around me and being so annoying and I was so mad that they wouldn’t go away.
I hate mosquitoes.
All I was trying to do was sit, relax, and watch the sun go down, but these mosquitoes were being so annoying. They were making me miss the sunset, and they were distracting me from the canvas of Grace that the Lord had painted in the sky that night. They made me want to just leave and go home.
These mosquitoes are a lot like Satan. He tries to distract us from the Lord, tries to annoy us, tries to test us, and makes us want to abandon our relationship with Christ. He feeds us all these lies, and tries to get all in our heads. Satan comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but the Lord is so much bigger than this. Satan knows our weakest, and most tempting places, but fortunately for us, when he attacks us there, he finds Jesus, because in the midst of it all, Jesus is at the center sticking with us every step of the way.
So I was sitting here and finally I had the bright idea to put on bug spray because I did not want to get a bunch of bug bites. Bug spray is like the Bible, it makes Satan, or in this case, the “bugs,” get discouraged. Suddenly Satan has lost his target and he knows that it is going to be hard to separate us from the Lord.
The word is the most powerful tool to use against the devil. He tries to attack us there, because he knows that’s where he gets beat and defeated.
As I was sitting there, I was trying to swat the mosquitoes away, I relocated a few times, but they still followed me. No matter where I went they came with me,,, so annoying!!
This goes the same way in life, wherever we go, God will be with us, but the bad news is Satan will too. The closer we get to God, the more Satan will try to pull you away. He won’t bother you when you are living in sin, but he will drive you crazy when you are trying to get out. That is the time we have to fall madly in love with the Savior and try our best to kick Satan to the curb.
Today I challenge you to examine your life and try to figure out what it is that Satan is trying to tempt you with, or what he is trying to destroy in your life. Take whatever that is, and pray about it. Satan cannot defeat the power of prayer, and he cannot defeat the power of the Lord living inside of us.