God is the author of your story, not you. I know you probably hear stuff about this all the time but it’s a truth that is sometimes hard to inhale, & is overlooked. This is so much easier said than done.
God has a plan and purpose for you that is greater than anything you could ever imagine.
If you think you have big dreams, just think how big God’s dreams must
be for you! It is so hard to trust that God’s plans are better for you than plans that you have for yourself. Trust me. I know. Some of you might have been there before. Well let me be straight up & say a few weeks ago I was here. I am thankful enough to have people who pour wisdom into me & let me just share a message I received that changed my perspective completely.
“No matter what happens, God already knows about it and has a plan. He saw this coming way before you did and He’s already got a plan for this. Nothing ever happens to us or comes our way that God can’t handle because He made it
happen. Your job is to rest and to trust God through this. You may not have gotten what you want from it but use this as an opportunity to become more like Christ through this process. He will use it for your good. He really does want the best for us, even when we don’t see it. We just have to trust Him. Keep looking at it with a positive attitude & know it could be way worse.“
This is some advice I received when I recently was struggling. At the time, I was frustrated & discouraged & honestly, I just felt empty. When i received this message, it is not at all what I wanted to hear, but it’s exactly what I needed to hear. In the end of all this that I was going through I learned a lesson that will be with me forever, which was mentioned in a previous blog titled, Sports Do Not Define You.
Through all of this He was faithful. He always will be faithful. Today, i want you to rest in this, you are a Child of God, He loves you so much, & he wants the best for you, even when it seems like He is failing you. Everything He does is flawless, & His plans for you are so big & so mighty! Trust the process, not only in the good times, but also in the bad. You are loved, never forget it.