As many of you know, I have been out a couple weeks due to a concussion. At first I had a terrible attitude towards the whole situation. I wanted nothing to do with it, all that was on my mind was playing the game I love, basketball. Basketball is my go to sport, it’s my passion. The Lord laid something on my heart a couple days ago. He simply told me, Gracie, basketball does not define you. I thought & thought about this. I was confused, and I started thinking about what my life would be like if I didn’t play basketball. How would I define myself then? I simply couldn’t find any co
nclusions. I started thinking after my basketball career was over, now what would I do? I have been so blinded. There is so much more to sports than just a few moments in spotlight if you happen to have a good game. For statistics, about 7% of athletes in high school will play at a college level. Out of that, about 3% will go pro. So what happens to the other 93% after high school, or the 97% after college when we have to turn in our jerseys for the last time? How will we define ourselves, what will we find worth in? Those of us who are athletes have to realize that one day we won’t have this life anymore. One day things are going to change. You are so much more than you think you are, and sports do not define you. Character is one thing that matters most. How you react when things don’t go your way, and how you continue to persevere through the hard times. Trophies, and labels you put on yourself will not matter in 20 years. But character will. I know it's way easier said that done, trust me. I'm going through this right now but when you play the game you love, enjoy it. Soak in every moment because it will not be your life forever. Build friendships, character, & don’t be too hard on yourself, because this will not always be your life. Don't let it take over your life & let your worth be found in Christ!