Today i want to talk about this acronym that is my absolute fav right now! it is “TLINAU” it stands for this life is not about us.
Philippians 2:3-4 “ Do nothing out of self ambition but consider others better than yourself, do not look just at your own interests, but look also at the interests of others"
As I read this, it hit me hard. “...consider others better than yourself..” Wow!! That’s a hard
thing to do. It got me thinking about how selfish I live my life as if the world revolves around me.. this goes along with the I am Third mindset. God first, others second, & yourself Third. How many times do you put yourself last? probably not very many, at least for me it’s not!
“Jesus Christ came to Earth to carry out the will of God for the benefit of others and to give up his life so that others could live. He was all about serving other people through love. He did nothing out of selfish ambition.” -Heart of an Athlete
What a great example! I pray today that we follow this example of Jesus Christ & remember that this life is not about us, but serving God, & serving others! He gave his life, so the least we can do is live for him! Y’all, there is so much to praise Him for! Keep your eyes on the eternal prize & remember that you are so loved.